Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Made almond milk for the first time in my vitamix!
4 cups water
1 cup almonds (soaked for 1 hr)
vanilla powder (use a real pod if you have)

After the liquid was fully blended (2 minutes on 7-8 blender setting) I strained that elixir of love into the most PURE milky, white, frothy and creamy...goodness ever.

I then took one cup of it and made a smoothie, which was more like a berry sorbet.

1 cup frozen berries
3 medjool dates (pitted)
1 cup almond milk

Saved the almond pulp - cookie recipe to come soon!


  1. Hi Amy,
    That looks wonderful! Iam now using Brazil nuts for nut mylks instead of almond. You should try that too it is really good.
    In response to your question
    "That looks delish! Remember you commented a while back on my blog? You said that you were doing your own version of 811, and berries for lunch and bananas in your smoothies in the morning....how is it going? I'd like to know :)
    It is going fantasic! I love the simplicity and I feel wonderful.
    Peace and Raw Health,

  2. Funny, I just read this just as I was planning to make it for the first time in my blender too lol (hence why I commented Im usually not sure what to say in a comment lol) The sorbert looks gorgeously purple though. Mel

  3. I'm like you... I LOVE looking in my fridge when it's filled with fresh fruits, greens and vegetables!! And the almond milk... YUM!!!! I always love popping in here! <3

  4. Hi! I nominated you for a Liebster award. Have some fun with it if you feel like it!

