Sunday, January 31, 2010

new month, new goals.

with each month comes a list of new goals. here are mine:

-daily green smoothie, or salad, or lettuce wraps--once a day
-organization: nightly room cleaning ritual, schedule making sunday nights
-drink 3 L of water daily
-make time for friends, and self

I feel great :) Here's a picture of dinner, silken tofu sauteed with herbs and some spinach, put over "fettuccine" zucchini strips, made with a peeler.

Friday, January 29, 2010

fruit as food, leaves as medicine.

Ezekial 47:12:

"Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine."

Breakfast today, walnuts, with a chia seed mix, freshly sliced strawberries, dash of cinnamon and carob powder sprinkled. DELICIOUS.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I woke up feeling horrific today.
So i made a two green smoothies:
banana water
spinach cinnamon
water spinach
cinnamon green apple
green pear

I feel a lot more energized, slightly less drained and ready to start my day.
Also, cinnamon in the smoothies is amazing! I'm obsessed with cinnamon but I'd never thought to put it in my drinks. Looks gross but tastes like magic. and eating it with a spoon is SO much more fun when it's thicker :D

Friday, January 22, 2010


the week is done.

green smoothie; a ton of spinach, banana, pear, berries
almond tofu
almond butter with g-free bread

and most likely a huge salad later. but i don't feel hungry now.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

h20 fast lasted 19 hrs.

NOT quite an epic fail.
i realized some things.
i hate salt.
i also like water but not on an empty stomach, puhh.

between today and yesterday.
seaweed, almond butter with g-free bread.
baby carrots, a ton.
cherry tomatoes, a pint.
grapes, which for some reason burned my throat, assuming the sugar was too high.

blahhhh. i need shleep.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


yesterday was great.
i had hummus, salad and some hemp milk.
and a breakfast of hemp seeds and quinoa flakes with fruit.
also some slices of gluten-free bread, which makes WORLD of a difference to my stomach after i eat it. in a good way!

today was weird.
i don't feel so good but i had the same food as yesterday plus some guava juice and vegan mini muffins, and lentil soup armenian style, super yumm.

tomorrow should be planned i feel better that way.
so far no improvement in skin, i think this is the downside of not going 100% right away.
the immediate effects aren't noticeable immediately. :(
tomorrow i start a water fast. till sunday night.
should be hard can it be to not eat?
we'll see.
goodnight y'all.

Sunday, January 17, 2010



Lettuce, crushed garlic, kumato (super overpriced black tomato), and handful of parsley, olives, no salt or oil, just fresh lemon and lime :)

In Memory of my first raw experience.

Let's try this raw thing one more time shall we.

I know what things I did wrong in my first go at this which led to failure:

1) My all or nothing mentality. Start by adding, not subtracting, till you realize "wow, i'm 75% raw"----> this day will come for me. haha.

2) Not having the fridge stocked with greens/fruits ALL the time.

3) Lack of organization in scheduling and external stress factors. Eating raw removes stress so there is no need to feel anxiety, or pressure about anything!

4) Not having a buddy. REALLY IMPORTANT. It's my goal to find a buddy.

5) BEING POSITIVE, not predicting failure.

6) Going Raw is just one part of the equation. Don't expect it be the cure to life's problems, it does propose solutions for a lot of life's struggles, but if we depend on it to be our Saviour or something then that's a problem..

YAY. so I start tomorrow, my cranberry flax crackers are already in the dehydrator :D yumm.
