Let's try this raw thing one more time shall we.
I know what things I did wrong in my first go at this which led to failure:
1) My all or nothing mentality. Start by adding, not subtracting, till you realize "wow, i'm 75% raw"----> this day will come for me. haha.
2) Not having the fridge stocked with greens/fruits ALL the time.
3) Lack of organization in scheduling and external stress factors. Eating raw removes stress so there is no need to feel anxiety, or pressure about anything!
4) Not having a buddy. REALLY IMPORTANT. It's my goal to find a buddy.
5) BEING POSITIVE, not predicting failure.
6) Going Raw is just one part of the equation. Don't expect it be the cure to life's problems, it does propose solutions for a lot of life's struggles, but if we depend on it to be our Saviour or something then that's a problem..
YAY. so I start tomorrow, my cranberry flax crackers are already in the dehydrator :D yumm.